New Year, New You
Hey everyone and a happy, although admittedly very belated, New Year!
I love the turning of a new year as it is the perfect window of opportunity to review the successes of the pervious 365 days but, more importantly, a new year gives you a fresh start where you can reignite lost passions by sparking the dreams that you may have put on the back burner. It is an awesome opportunity and one not to be missed as you have the chance to change, learn and grow, which is great as no one likes to stay exactly the same, right?
However, this being said tomorrow is January 15th and this day is a very significant day for people like me, those who set resolutions. Tomorrow is in fact the cut off point where statistically 95% of those who set a resolution will have failed…depressing ha.
As a team we are doing ‘40 days of fitness’, a bit cliché for a resolution I know but that’s the dream for us, but we want to take 40 days so that to transform this goal into a daily routine that will stick throughout the year. To keep us motivated we have designed a range of graphics that function both as awesome designs for our homes and office, but also to act as a constant reminder for the reasons why we are running in the rain, hauling ourselves to the gym after a long day at work and rising early on Saturday mornings to chase down tarmac; we want to be in the camp of the fivepercenters and we want you to join us too.
We believe that to obtain a goal you need to see the goal and that is why putting the writing on the wall is an effective way to keep you pumped. For me it is the fear of trying that stops me, so I remind myself daily before I go to work and before I run that if I don’t try I will never win …I don’t need to go far or fast, I simply need to lace up and go.
A cheeky picture of me and the graphic I have fixed to wall to keep my eyes focused on my goal; I don’t even know who Joel Brown is, but he sure is right!
It is truly amazing the power your brain has and the knock on effect this then has on what you can achieve is incredible. I know you expect me to say this, but this really works. Its very presence in my room has changed my thinking almost by osmosis, which has now changed my outlook, which then has changed my behavior.
I want to be a fivepercenter, a someone who genuinely makes a resolute resolution and not just passes through the 15th to fail a few days later. For me this is a no brainer: a cost effective, design focused motivational tool that looks awesome and keeps me focused. I swear by it so much that I would say if you don’t believe me and don’t want to commit to buying a graphic simply grab a marker and write on your wall, the only thing is you can’t just peel that off if your hand writing isn’t all you hoped.
I hope I don’t get in trouble for telling you to write on walls.
Check out our ‘New Year, New you’ and ‘Joypress’ collection for some of our latest additions to our range of motivational and inspirational graphics.
Have an epic 2014!