#Summer, summer time

Hey Everybody, I hope you are all well and loving the sunshine...woop!
I can't believe how lovely the last couple of days have been. I have flipping loved soaking in the rays through the windows of our gorgeous office, although our tin roofed building has been clinging on to the heat and not showing any signs of wanting to let it go. Fear not though, we're all still alive and loving life at Vi HQ.
Although I love my job, and trust me I am bordering on becoming a workaholic, there is not much more frustrating than being cooped up inside when the sun is shining outside; I just wanna go swimming!
Randomly today Tara, one of our fantastic design team, made a great point that working on a day like this must be even harder for those in a bland and boring office. This is so true and bang on our business vision...I am glad we have sold her on it and that she is a true believer.
I guess it sounds kind of obvious, as the majority of us love to pour time, money and effort into the design of our homes to make them into idyllic sanctuaries and havens, but we do tend to neglect our workspaces. Why? Me no know!
At Vi we want to make it so clear that if you want to transform your space we can help. It doesn't matter if you know what you want, or have the ability to do the artwork as we have built a team that can help you in all respects.
Our creative consultancy is revolutionary in the industry as we are pure creatives who draw on all that is great with your brand through a collaborative approach. We love it.
If you are thinking about an office rebrand, you really should do it and we would love to help.
Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you.
Contact our team now on:
Email: hello@vinylimpression.co.uk
Tel: 01342 311858